Tuesday, October 20, 2015

MNSSAR Color Guard at Ramsey Happy Days Parade

A Color Guard formed jointly with 7th Pennsylvania Regiment and the MNSSAR Color Guard led the annual City of Ramsey Happy Days parade. This was the second year the combined guard has been invited to lead the parade and the crowd cheered and welcomed them. Above photos compliments of Theresa Hyde.
The Anoka Herald

                         The Color Guard was awarded "Peoples Choice" award by the judges. 
                             video at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Qv3Q_HBDiM

Monday, October 12, 2015

MNSSAR October Meeting

The Color Guard again posted the colors for the October meeting of the Minnesota Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.

During the business part of the meeting Geoffrey Markham presented the MNSSAR with a functioning replica of a Brown Bess musket, a gift from compatriot Stuart Markham who was unable to attend the meeting. The musket is to be used by the Color Guard in their performance of duties. The dedication was as follows:
In April of 1775 35 yr old Barzillai Markham answered the call to arms and joined the Lexington Alarm as a Sgt.  In July of that year he was promoted to the rank of Ensign, 5th Co. 8th Connecticut Regiment. Because of ill health he  resigned his commission on 7 Oct. 1775 and was honorably discharged from the army.  

Barzillai was born 14 Nov. 1740 in Enfield Connecticut and died at age 84 on 1 June 1824  in Essex New York. 110 years before, his great great grandfather, Deacon Daniel Markham escaped to the shores of Cambridge Mass. to escape the tyranny of the king of England in 1665 to practice his religion and become a freeman.

It is with honor that I donate this working replica of a 1768 2nd Pattern "Bess" flintlock musket to the Minnesota Sons of the American Revolution, the Minnesota SAR Color Guard and to the memory of Barzillai Markham as a living memorial and teaching tool of the men of the Revolutionary War. The men who died or lived in that conflict, weather their actions great or small,  have impacted everyone who is here today and I salute them. May their memory always be kept alive and cherished.     Stuart Markham

Geoff Markham reading the dedication of the Markham Musket

Later, Color Guard Commander Theisen and Color Guard drummer Hyde showed the members the newly acquired drum which is property of the MNSSAR.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Posting the Colors for new citizens

July 29th 2015 a Naturalization Ceremony was held at the River’s Edge Convention Center at St. Cloud.  Presiding over the event was Chief Judge Gregory F. Kishel of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court.  The Presentation of Colors was administered by Paul K. Theisen  MNSAR Color Guard and Altea Heim  Sara Steele Sibley Chapter MNDAR.  Judge Kishel administered the Oath of Allegiance to about 84 new citizens. 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

What is the S.A.R.?

The SAR is a historical, educational, and patriotic non-profit, United States 501(c)3, corporation that seeks to maintain and extend:

    >the institutions of American freedom
    >an appreciation for true patriotism
    >a respect for our national symbols
    >the value of American citizenship
   > the unifying force of e pluribus unum that has created, from the people of many nations, one nation and one people.

We do this by perpetuating the stories of patriotism, courage, sacrifice, tragedy, and triumph of the men who achieved the independence of the American people in the belief that these stories are universal ones of man's eternal struggle against tyranny, relevant to all time, and will inspire and strengthen each succeeding generation as it too is called upon to defend our freedoms on the battlefield and in our public institutions.

(From the S.A.R. website)

Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Guard's new drum and drummer were busy on the 4th of July

New member Steve found time after the C.A.R. Flying Pancake breakfast to participate in his own community events.

July 4, 2015 C.A.R. breakfast in Wayzata

MNSAR Color Guard,  7th PA re-enactment group and Wayzata DAR living history ladies
 The MNSAR Color Guard joined the Wayzata C.A.R., Wayzata D.A.R., the 7th PA and about 1,300 of the public to again celebrate Independence Day.  While breakfasting on "flying" pancakes, visitors were treated to living history portrayals, musket firing, a display of camp equipment, ceremonies honoring WWII and Korean War vets and examples of training in the manual of arms. Visitors took advantage of the opportunity to ask about and learn more of our fight for Independence.

                                                       Photos compliments of Alice Markham.
                                                     Click the images that follow to enlarge. 

Randy and Kerry (7th PA) explained muskets

Dave, Kerry and Gary (7th PA)

SAR members Craig and Aaron

Stuart (L)  introduces John to the Markham musket

Steve with his new outfit and the new drum

the 7th PA camp display

Color Bearers Aaron and John

joint SAR and 7th PA manual of arms practice

Craig safety checked his musket

Kids and adults loved the display and asked questions.

John with the Markham musket

Aaron, John and Steve prepared for the flag raising

The 7th's tent display

SAR Color Guard Commander Paul with 7th PA Sgt Kerry

Practicing the manual of arms for the crowd

Raising "Betsy"

Steve with the new drum

during drill, a break

One of several volleys

Sunday, June 14, 2015

                           The Minnesota S.A.R. Color Guard will again be present for this fun event.
Come and enjoy the pancakes, the living history and the people. Support the C.A.R. and the Veterans.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Support a project

You can help make a difference by supporting projects which  promote education of our struggle for liberty and preserve the memory of those who served the cause of freedom in America. The following are two such projects endorsed by the editor of this blog.

Veterans Educational Historic Art Project

Five 8x10 paintings depicting the history of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and the Coast Guard which will hang in the Committal Hall at the Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery next to Camp Ripley, Little Falls, Minnesota.                           More information at www.vetsart.org

Saving Revolutionary War battlefields

Many battlefield sites have been lost to development and the few remaining are in jeopardy of being lost as well. The Civil War Trust, which has been instrumental in obtaining and preserving many civil war battlefields, is now, with the help of the Society of the Cincinnati, launching a project to preserve Revolutionary War sites.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Annual Washington's Birthday Meeting of MNSAR

MNSAR Pres. John Sassaman, new Jr. members Tommy and Charlie McNamara, CG Commander Paul Theisen

Monday, January 12, 2015

Annual Business Meeting for State and local chapters

(L-R) Hon. Paul K Theisen; Color Guard Commander, Dr. Geoffrey R. Bodeau; Minneapolis Chapter  President 2015, John D. McCallum;  St. Paul Chapter President 2015, John C. Sassaman; Minnesota Chapter President 2015, Craig W. Whiting; Color Guard member. (Photo by Timothy Harris)
January 10, 2015

 In addition to the business meeting for the State and Local Chapters, the Color Guard met to discuss the new Color Guard Manual, approve the purchase of a drum and answer new Guard members questions.