Wednesday, July 10, 2019

New Cockade for the Guard

Thanks to the efforts of Color Guard commander Steve, each member of the Guard will now be wearing a distinctive cockade on his hat.

With the C.A.R. July 4th

photo by Jason Jenkins for the Sun Sailor

 Folks lined up for the flying pancake breakfast and visited under the shade trees. The living history team mingled with the crowd giving the visitors opportunity to learn more about the times of our Revolution. A display of a bell tent of the era and camp equipment was especially exciting for the children. Several times during the morning the two drummers called the soldiers to form up, march to the pier and fire musket volleys. This year our two drummers Kerry and Steve were joined by 11 y.o. James with his fife.
 The Declaration of Independence was read by S.A.R. member Kevin. Wayzata Mayor Wilcox introduced veterans of WWII, Korea and Vietnam giving the crowd a brief biography of the service of each and a tribute also to those attending who have served in the armed forces.
 Attendance this year finished at 1,416.
The living history team this year: From the 7th PA re-enactment group, Kerry, Spencer and Dave. D.A.R. Terri and Gigi.  SAR CG members Kevin, Steve, Paul, John, Tom, Craig. Assisted by James, a C.A.R. member.
For more photos, visit the C.A.R. Wayzata Chapter facebook page at:

Honoring WWII Vets


Molly Pitcher, D.A.R.

Photo by Samantha Muldoon

S.A.R. and 7th PA
James, C.A.R.

Photo by Samantha Muldoon

Honoring Veterans (Photo by Samantha Muldoon)

Photo by Tom

Honoring Vets (Photo by Tom)

Photo by Tom
Photo by Tom

Photo by Tom

Photo by Tom
Photo by Tom

Photo by Tom

Photo by Tom

Photo by Tom
Photo by Tom

Photo by Tom

Photo by Tom

Photo by Tom

Photo by Samantha Muldoon

Sunday, July 7, 2019

CG member McCallum retired

Compatriot John McCallum, who recently announced his retirement from the Color Guard, was presented with honors at a ceremony in Wayzata, Minnesota on July 4th. John has been a member of the Guard since 2011. John's dedication to the S.A.R. Color Guard lead him to gift his uniform and musket to the guard so that a new member may get a start while deciding on his own personal outfit and gear.
 L>R..Steve, Chris, John, Kevin,Craig, James